(Collection, Recording, Storage and Retention of Personal Data)

Where you are an individual, consent and authorize CIMB and where you are a body corporate or otherwise not an individual, confirm that you have obtained the consent and authorisation of your directors, partners, shareholders and/or such other relevant persons (collectively the “Relevant Individuals”) for CIMB to:-


collect and process your or the Relevant Individual’s personal data, as the case may be, for any of the following purposes:-



assessing any registration or procurement transaction application and/or facilitating or conducting any procurement activities or otherwise in connection with any procurement activities or application



ensuring corporate governance, security and compliance with any laws, regulations, guidelines and/or obligations applicable to CIMB whether in or outside of Malaysia or CIMB’s internal policies and/or for fraud prevention purposes,



profiling of you as our vendor



such other purposes as may be described in the CIMB Group Privacy Notice (which is available at or as may be notified to you by CIMB from time to time.



to disclose your and/or the Relevant Individuals’ personal data, as the case may be, to the classes of parties and/or for the purposes described in the CIMB Group Privacy Notice (which is available at, in accordance with the terms as set out therein;



your acceptance and/or the Relevant Individual’s acceptance of all other terms and conditions in the CIMB Group Privacy Notice (which is available at



If Agree – proceed to next page of registration


If Disagree – unable to proceed to next page


Please be informed that if you disagree to the content of this Data Privacy And Protection Notice, we will not be able to proceed with your application as the personal data we are to collect from you is vital to fulfil the purpose of this registration.